Lebensraum Jagdrevier - Erkennen - Erhalten - Artgerecht Gestalten

Lebensraum Jagdrevier - Erkennen - Erhalten - Artgerecht Gestalten
Contemporary game conservation by hunters today means above all the preservation and appropriate...
Contemporary game conservation by hunters today means above all the preservation and appropriate enhancement of semi-natural habitats for game. Michael Petrak's guidebook provides detailed instructions for habitat analysis and appropriate habitat design in one's own hunting area. Under the motto »maintenance and appropriate laying-out« the experienced author gives tips for planning and realising game- and species-friendly measures. In addition, he explains when it makes sense to work together beyond the boundaries of your own hunting area in order to implement these measures.
    • Páginas 240
    • Tipo de encuadernación hardcover
    • Ilustración numerosas fotos y dibujos en color
    • Formato 178 x 246 mm
    • Idioma German
    • Editor Michael Petrak
    Referencia 714397
    Marca -
    Disponible para envío inmediato, entrega en aprox. 3-4 días laborables
    39,00 € por piece(s)