Sharpening Tools for hunting

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Shapton Glass Stone HR Polishing Stone, Hard Bond, Grit 30 000

The hard bond is preferable for high-alloy tool steels . Coarse-grained alloy constituents of tool steels (e.g. chromium and vanadium) require a stone that wears slowly.

Shapton Glass Stone HR Shaping Stone, Thick Version, Hard...

This shaping stone is thicker than the standard version with a longer service life. Comes with plastic case.

Shapton Glass Stone »Seven« HR, Set

According to the credo »the beauty of the usefulness«, Shapton has again managed to combine the subject of sharpening and the fascination of sharp blades into a natural unit. Plus, the simple, almost artistic product becomes a design...

Naniwa »Super Stone S1« Combination Stone

With two different grits for sharpening and honing. Ideal grit mix for razors.
€113.70 €103.00

Naniwa »Pocket Pro Stone« Shaping Stone, Grit 400

This stone series has the same bond as the Professional Stone series by Naniwa. The only difference lies in the size of the stones and thus in their intended use. The compact dimension is designed for smaller kitchen, outdoor and hunting...
€27.90 €24.90
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